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Farm puns in 2025

Farmers earn a meager celery, come home beet and just want to read the pepper, turn-ip the covers, en-dive into bed.

Every sheep’s favorite sport is baa-dminton.

The cabbage wins the race competition on the farm because it is always ahead.

Mixed-up hens lay scrambled eggs.

On the weekend, all of the cows on the farm often hang out and watch moo-vies.

All farmers in this town send their children to kinder-gardens for education.

You should never tell secrets on a farm because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears.

When a horse lives next door to another horse, we call them neigh-bours.

I live my life by the seeds of my plants.

Magic tractors turn into fields.

The farmer is so cruel, he pulls the corns by their ears.

There’s a new talent show on TV for farmers. It’s called the X-Tractor.

I know it is corny, but the corn farm is a-maze-ing to me.

Grain farmers often have tough lives because they can barley survive from wheat to wheat.

I once had a pig called ‘Ink’. It kept running out of the pen.

A cow without legs is also called ground beef.

Fences should be horse-high, pig tight, and bull-strong.

No farm building should ever, under any circumstances, be used as a convent…Barn nun.

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