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Hat puns in 2024

Crazy hat ladies must live in “Mad-hat-tan”!

The most famous Indian political activist who is also a hat lover is Ma-hat-ma Ghandi.

Do you know what would the hat say to the tie?
– You hang around while I go on a-head

Everybody in the town admires the barber. They always take their hat off when visiting his shop.

You look so fedora-ble with that fedora!

What do you call a lion with a cool hat?
– A dandy-lion.

My hat told me he was leaving me
– I said go on a head

The latest technology for balding dads is an iBald Cap.

I see an ad saying that “Hairpieces from $10.” I think that is a small price toupee.

What does the hat say to the scarf? “You will hang around there, and I will go on ahead.”

A T-rex wearing a top hat is a dino-sir.

What will happen if you throw a white hat on the red sea?
– It becomes wet.

I told dad that buying a new hat for a pound is a small price toupee.

Do you know where doe these crazy hat women live?
– They live in Mad – hatt -an!

A friend of mine always wears a hat and a nun’s outfit when he is out. I think it is only a habit that he has.

Why are hat jokes the hardest to understand?
– Because they always go right over your head.

An auto company developed a new car where the trunk of the car looks like the bill of a baseball cap. They call it a hat-chback!

Why do they call that hat you wear in the jungle a pith helmet?
– Becauthe of all the monkeeth up in the treeth.

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