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Nose puns in 2024

Me: my nose has been running for days, I hope I’m not getting a cold
Wife: probably just allergies, the air is full of pollen
Me: I guess you could say I’m snotty by nature

This Halloween, Gucci sold out all of their $500 scented candles. Some people seem to have so many dollars but not enough scents.

What do you call a nose with no body?
– Nobody nose.

There was a bad smell coming from a dumpster. So, my mother made my sister burn some spices to cover it. She used pap-reek-her.

I got a feeling she nose everything

The religious nose always knew that an angel was watching over her. The angel was heaven-scent.

Why can’t a nose be 12 inches?
– Cuz then it would be a foot

There was a cold war agent who got caught because of deodorants. It was the scent of the old spies that gave him away.

Does your nose run? Do your feet smell?
– You must be built upside down

Major Injury:
Pimple right under the nose:

My friend was ill and had a runny nose she couldn’t fix. I suggested, “Break its legs”.

There was a pig on the farm that just couldn’t mind its own business. People called it the nosey porker.

Why do poultry birds always smell so bad?
– Because of their fowl odour.

Two snowmen were talking, when one said to another, “I just keep smelling carrot?
– Can you smell them?”.

Pinocchio’s nose grew every time he slept. It’s probably
– because he was lying all that time.

If your nose bleeds easily then don’t pick your nose
Or i’ll catch you red-handed

I know he had a runny nose for three days but he still did not blow his interview.

Why did the guy who told bad jokes all the time smell bad?
He was… pungent.
Thank you I’ll be here all week /bow

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