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Knitting puns in 2024

Sorry I’ve been so quiet here today. I’ve been keeping a close eye on the local news. Apparently there’s a lad going around stabbing people with knitting needles.
– Police say he may be following a pattern.

What I think of every time I hear cable knit sweater.

I really tried hard to sew a beautiful sweater.
But someone accidentally thread on all of my hard work.

Hooked on knitting.

Knitters only gain entrance into heaven if they can pass through the purly gates.

I participated in the sewing competition but lost third place by 5 points. Needles-s to say, it was a fun experience.

I have tried using wool for my sweaters a million times,
– but I can never make them right. Regardless, I wool not stop.

Just pilling around with my fellow knitters.

The problem with knitting class
…is that I’ve heard once you’ve tried it, you’re hooked.

A needle collector lost all of his needles in a fire. Needless to say, he was pretty sad about it.

All steel wool is taken from rugged battlesheep.

I’m not addicted to knitting, I can stop after just one more row.

I’ve been feeling guilty because I made my co-worker a jumper and I used really cheap knitting wool. It just felt bad.

My friend was having a lot of trouble in her knitting class. So, her professor told her to knit it together.

The needle baby was in a really good mood. “Well, someone seams chipper”, stated the mother.

I’m knot done with knitting yet.

I’ve just started knitting for the Mafia
– They call me Scarf Ace

There is no point arguing with a needle. It always has a great point.

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