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Funny puns in 2024

Two avocados got into a fight. It was a guacamelee.

What party game do fish like to play?
– Salmon Says.

What is blue and doesn’t fit?
– A dead epileptic.

The 70-year-old sunflower refused to go to the doctor. He needed a pollenoscopy.

How’s your icesight?

I’m just kitten around

There was a scientist who broke the speed of light while driving.
– He was then sent to prism.

What type of nut doesn’t like baseball?
– A sick nut.

Why is Peter Pan always flying?
-He neverlands.

Why did the man with the bad knee go to the mathematician?
– Because his knees were giving him problems he couldn’t solve.

For Sale: Replica Fisherman’s Knife
– Not made to scale

Why does my brother always attack my knees playfully?
– Well, he really gets a kick out of it.

Whats blue and not heavy?
– Light blue :)))

Like my paw-jamas?

When our journey was cancelled, all our plans went down the train.

Why is the sand so quiet?
– Because the waves keeping going “Ssshhhhhhh!”

If a crab is a worker of a pizza parlor, which station would the crab work?
– The crust station.

Let’s hatch a plan.

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