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Llama puns in 2024

Who’s a llama’s favorite composer? wolfgang Llamadeus Mozart.

Llama take a selfie!

Going to the beach ? Alpaca towel

Where do llamas go on vacation?Alpacapuco.

How do other animals ask a llama’s name? Como te llama?

What do you get when you cross a llama, camel and cow? A llamadairy!

What do you call a secret group of llamas?the i-llama-inati.

Want to go on a picnic? Alpaca lunch.

Did you hear about the llama who couldn’t see? Someone pulled the wool over her eyes.

If Llamas Could Tell Llama Jokes

Let’s take a ride in my llamborghini

Llama just say,you are beautiful.

How do alpacas get you in the morning?they set heir Llamas.

Which side of a llama has the most fleece? The outside.

 In case of emergency, be sure to pull the fire allama.

Llama take a selfie!

Alpacas: Soon it’ll be the alpacalypse!

Did you hear about the alpaca who tried to fly to the moon? What? No, llama say is that’s crazy.

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