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Water puns in 2024

Healthy water is well water.

Water-skiing can be a drag sometimes.

What do you call water that is good for you?
-Well water.

When a store sells water they call it a liquidation.

Water-skiing can be a drag sometime.

That shore was a long comment.

Why did the river start losing her memories?
-Because she is becoming sea nile.

A bunch abalone is salt water puns.

 Are you ready to make waves?

What goes up when rain comes down?

A duck that refuses to go in the water is a chicken.

When you complete water slide construction you require a dry run.

What do you call a tooth in a glass of water?
-A one molar solution.

If Smart water were actually smart… Then why did it get bottled?

That shore is a long comment.

Yogi had a water, whiskey and tea drink everyday.
-He was a toddy bear.

How would Watergate be done in Scotland?
-With scotch tape.

Tea is therapeutic because boiling the water raises your self of steam.

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