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Cheese puns in 2024

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
– Nacho cheese!

Did you hear about the guy who opened up a store where they only sell Swiss cheese? It’s a hole business strategy.

What’s always the last piece of cheese left?
– Forever provolone!

What cheese cries the most?
– Babybel.

That’s what cheese said

If your mind is at cheese, you can focus completely and achieve anything.

Why did the cheese lover hide cheese in the back of his fridge?
– In queso emergency.

 That question is as cheesy as ABC.

I never dis-a-brie when someone says “cheese is the yummiest”.

What kind of music does Swiss cheese listen to?
– Holy music

Cheese all that

What cheese can fly? Curds of prey!

What hotel do cheese lover’s stay in?
– The Stilton.

Can you share with me some emocheese?

Beating him in swimming is quite a cheesy peasy task for me.

The physics professor taught string cheese theory.

Relax. Just take it cheesy.

The suspect broke free and ran for the woods. Fortunately, the cops gave cheese and apprehended him before he could get far.

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