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Time puns in 2025

I always take my watch off before sharing a secret. Because
time will tell.

What’s another name for a clock that’s on the moon? A lunar tick.

Here’s what I think about going online and buying a clock. Thinking about it too is just time-consuming.

How can you tell when your clock is hungry? It goes back four seconds.

I’ve been meaning to help my wife look for her missing watch,
but I can never find the time.

Why did the jailer throw the clock out the window? Because it wanted to see time fly.

What happens when you annoy a clock? It gets ticked off.

My neighbour was always late until he started sleeping in his herb garden. Now he wakes up on thyme.

Why did the cuckoo come out of its little clock door? Because it was its time to shine.

My best friend and I played hide and seek today. It went on for
hours. Good friends are hard to find.

I just got a new watch for my birthday, but it’s already broken. I’ve been meaning to take it into the shop, but it’s never the right time.

I saw a billboard with a watch on it. I think it was a sign of the time.

A friend of mine has taken up eating watches, but takes forever
to get through each one. It’s time consuming.

I ordered a book on chronology a couple weeks ago and it
finally got delivered today. It’s about time.

Why do you think there was a clock in the forest? Because it was a time-out.

What did the robber say to the clock? Hands up!

My clock at home stopped working. Turns out it just needed a hand to get going.

Why do I put the alarm clock in my shoe? I don’t want my foot to fall asleep.

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