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Potato puns in 2024

All potato puns are pomme de terrible.

Write this on a potato and give it to your Valentine.

Why was the sweet potato too shy to ask out the russet potato?
-Because he was a real spud.

What do you call a spotted potato with lots of eyes?
-A speck-tater.

I love you a tot!

Potato puns are a-peeling.

What do you call a fried potato who is being held hostage?
-A bargaining chip.

Suns out, tots out.

Which disease is the biggest killer of potatoes?

My dad once told me that if I put a potato in my swim trunks, I would attract more women…
-He forgot to tell me to put the potato in the front

Say this aloud: Eye Yam Stew Peed

This potato can cause mash destruction

What do you say to an angry 300-pound baked potato?
-Anything, just butter him up.

Potato cooking intensifries

Have a s-mash-ing birthday!

What’s a potato’s favourite TV show?
-Starch Trek.

A couch potato

Mash me and give thanks.

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