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Fathers day puns in 2024

“I’m not lion—you’re the best.”

I turtle-y love you, Dad!

“I donut know what I’d do without you.”

Wanna hear a joke about construction?
– I’m still workin’ on it!

“I donut know what I’d do without you.”

I’m not lion, Dad. You are really the best!

You are so T-Rex-ellent, Dad!

“Thanks for pudding up with me, Dad, and for being my biggest flan!”

Why do bees have sticky hair?
– Because they use a honeycomb.

“Thanks for pudding up with me.”

You’re soy awesome, Dad.

You are totally the best dad of all thyme.

You’ll always be dad to the bone.

What do you call a pencil with two erasers?
– Pointless.

“The best dads are really punny.”

“Happy Father’s Day—let’s par-tee.”

Dad, you are so egg-cellent and overly easy to be around!

“I love you from my head tomatoes.”

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