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Sleep puns in 2024

What do you call a really sleepy egg?
– Egg-zosted!

Do you know at what time tennis players go to sleep?
– At ten-nish.

Do you know why bicycles can’t stand on their own?
– Because they are tired.

I like to sleep with a bedside lamp on. My boyfriend says it’s weird.
– I don’t know why, it makes a great hat.

Why did Adele cross the road?
– To say hello from the other side.

Why did the little boy hide sugar under his pillow at night?
– So he would have sweet dreams!

Where do burgers go to sleep?
– On a bed of lettuce.

Why do dragons often sleep during the day?
– So they can fight knights.

Why did mom always tiptoe past the medicine cabinet?
– She didn’t want to wake up the sleeping pills.

What do scuba divers always wear in bed?
– A snore-kel!

Did you hear about the boy who slept with his head underneath his pillow?
– When he woke up, the tooth fairy had taken all his teeth!

What do you do when you’re tired of hearing someone’s boring herb jokes?
– You tell them that it’s thyme to stop.

What does the gingerbread man sleep on?
– Cookie sheets.

Learning to sleep upside down is often hard for baby bats.
– But they soon get the hang of it.

What do you call a sleeping bull?
– A bull dozer!

What do sheep count when they can’t sleep?
– People.

What would you call a skeleton that’s very tired?
– A Grim Sleeper.

The patient said to the anesthesiologist, “Can I put myself to sleep?”
– Anesthesiologist: “Knock yourself out!”

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