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Dog puns in 2025

My dog never stands up for herself. She just rolls over.

He said his dog ran 10 miles to get the ball. That seems a bit far fetched.

When my dog starts itching, it really ticks me off.

Those dogs were a bunch of litter pugs!

It was hard to fur-give him after that.

I’m not sure what’s wrong with my dog. Hopefully the vet will shed some light on the problem.

Take the dog for a walk. That’s the leashed you could do.

That collar made the dog so uncomfurtable.

 That dog is barking up the wrong pedigree.

What did Darth Vader name his son? Luke Skybarker.

 That joke was dog-gone funny.

There mutt be a chance my dog isn’t a purebred.

Let’s give the dogs a big round of ap-paws.

You won’t find what you need here. You’re barking up the wrong tree.

The dog was so sad, he was a mellon Collie.

He could give you a few pointers on playing fetch.

 If you feed your dog too many snacks, you’re going to end up with a wide retriever.

He was fur-bidden from playing with the dog.

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