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Minecraft puns in 2024

What did the minecraft villager say before he died?
– hmm

I’m excited for Minecraft’s caves&cliffs update
– But it will probably have its ups and downs.

Some guy on a Minecraft server thought that I was a hermit
– How dare he make such baseless accusations.

If Minecraft Villagers kept the name Testificates, what would the Illagers be called?
– TestifiHates.

What do you call a Minecraft celebration?
– A block party.

How do you know Minecraft Steve is interested in a a girl?
– He looks at her chest.

Minecraft releases a new movie
– Critics say its a block buster!

How do characters in the game of Minecraft appreciate each other’s fashion statement?
– They say “They dig each other’s style “

How did Steve make the skeleton laugh?
– He tickled its funny bone!

A botanist starts playing minecraft, and he becomes a mathematician
– He had to calculate the cubic root

What did the Minecraft developer say when he looked as his daily schedule?
– Not a Nether meeting!

How did Steve flirt with other characters in the game?
– He would say that the their “Potion brew him away”

What did they call the Minecraft player who built a clock in-game to chime at 4:20?
– A Redstoner.

I’m really excited to watch the Minecraft movie
– It’ll definitely be a Blockbuster

What do Minecraft players do to celebrate?
– They throw block parties.

What’s the difference between a killer rabbit and a counterfeit bill?
– One is bad money and the other is mad bunny!

What do you call it when you don’t want to talk to someone in Minecraft?
You block them.
P.S. Happy ten years Minecraft

How do you scare a Jewish kid in Minecraft?
– You get 8 cobblestone.

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