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Pirate puns in 2024

Prepare to be boarded!


You are such an ARR – ROGANT man 

Can I help making your roger a little more jolly?

You must C – ARRRY on with your such an amazing work 

3.14% of sailors are Pi Rates.

What do ye call a pirate with two eyes and two
legs?A rookie.

Today I will buy a MID – ARRRANGE smart phone for my younger brother

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the
alphabet?  Because they can spend years at C!

I just PIRATE you from the depth of my heart 

Have you consulted any doctor regarding your RES – PIRATE – TORY Problems 

Let’s head back to me ship and rock the boat.

Why are you ARR – RESTED by the police 

What do pirates wear in the winter?  Long Johns!

What shivers at the bottom of the ocean?A
nervous wreck.

That place was actually so ARR – RANGEROUS 

How did the pirate find out he needed glasses? 
He took an aye exam!

He is the PIRATOR of this game, and this game was made by him 

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