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Shark puns in 2024

what’s a shark’s fav bible story ? Noah’s shark.

Stay jaws-itive

what do sharka order at mcdonalds ? A qaurter flounder

what did he shark say to the whale ? what are you blubbering about .

what are shark’s most fav words ? Man overboard .

sharks that steal always mako like a bandit.

what’s shark fav sandwich ? peanut butter and jellyfish.

that’s not a fissue here though.

what’s sharks favourite event to attend ? The carnival.

No-fin can replace you.

No fin compares to you dear.

where do sharks go for vacation? fin land.

what do sharks have on their toast ? mermalaid.

what’s a shark favourite card game ? Go fish.

Go ahead and mako my day

what do u get when u cross a snowman wih shark ? frost bite.

I was fissued a sign for parking without a ticket

what’s sharks favourite word to say in agreement ? DE-FIN-ITELY.

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