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Book puns in 2024

Broken pencils are pointless.

a young man visited he librarian everyday so that he
could get into his good books.

I once read a book about really sucked me in.

Never mind—a passive aggressive Raven

Talk wordy to me.

I was diagnosed with IBS -impulsive-book-reading

The guy who didn’t like Lord Of The Rings didn’t know what
he was Tolkien about.

You have fine written all over you.

Take a page from the book and leaf.

The author’s lawyer defended her rights in the book case

Metaphors be with you.

book to the future.

The book of incantations was useless.the author had failed
to run a spell check.

Dystopian novels are so 1984.

stay true to your shelf.

a tome fell on my head the other day… i can only blame
my shelf

Walden is such a good book because of Thoreau editing.

Libraries are good for circulation.

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