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Clock puns in 2025

What is a belt made of clocks called?
– Waist of time.

Which candy is never on time?
– Choco-late.

My sister has taken up eating watches, but it takes a while to get through each one. It’s time consuming.

Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?
– He wanted to see time fly.

What would a clock look like with no numbers?
– Timeless

A teacher sent the clock to the principal’s office.
– The reason was, it kept tocking too much.

My teacher said she would tell a great time travel joke yesterday.

If I wanted to have the time of my life I’d work in a clock factory.

Got a new 24 hour clock yesterday and it’s broken already.
– It only lasted a day.

I would make a clock joke, but I don’t have time.

One of my classmates was measuring the clock. When I asked him why he was doing it,
– he said, “The history teacher had asked him to check the beginning and end of the time”.

11:59:59 is my favourite time of day
– it’s second to noon.

What happens when you annoy a clock?
– It gets ticked off.

How can you tell when your clock is hungry?
– It goes back four seconds.

What is a clever clock called?
– A clockwise.

Which dog will always know what time it is?
– A watchdog, duh!

My neighbour was always late until he started sleeping in his herb garden. Now he wakes up on thyme.

I’ve just been fired from the clock making factory after all those extra hours I put in.

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