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Sun puns in 2025

The sun doesn’t need to go to school, it’s already the brightest.

Why is the sun always very mad at the clouds?
– They just keep throwing shade.

What does the sun say to his kid?
– I love you, sun!

Why does everyone love jokes about the sun?
– Because they are de-lightful.

“Hey beach! Long time no sea.”

The sun is really good at tennis; he always plays for game, sunset and match.

What will the sun and his wife be called when they get married?
– A match shade in heaven.

What flower can be seen growing on the sun’s surface?
– Ultra-Violets.

What is a sun’s favorite song by ‘Queen’?
– ‘Another sun bites the dust.’

“Life’s a beach so just enjoy the waves.”

Going to space?
– Been there, sun that!

What did Mercury say when she finished up cleaning the sun’s house?
– It is all sun and dusted.

Why can you never make the sun stop?
– Because he is sun-stoppable.

What did the black hole say to the sun while arguing?
– “Don’t you get the gravity of the situation?”

Why should you start a conversation about sunscreen if it gets boring?
– Because it is topical.

“I’m feeling beachy today.”

The sun is really egocentric: he thinks everything revolves around him.

Why does the sun not need to go to college?
– Because it already has a million degrees sitting at home and is bright enough.

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