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Star Wars puns in 2025

A Jedi Master asked his mum if he could get four sweets before dinner, but she said ‘no dear you can have Obi Wan’.

Qui-Gon Girl

You don’t know Jakku

Anakin burnt his toast but he didn’t mind because he likes it on the dark side.

Why did Kylo Ren chase Rey for so long?
-He probably just wanted a girlfriend. After all, he’d Ben Solo for so long.

A Starkiller is Born

Yoda has the best seat on the Jedi council because it is next to a Windu.

Princess Leia always keep her hair in buns so it doesn’t hang solo!

The Sith Sense

Darth Vader never sits down in a plane because he’s a Skywalker.

Be a Rey of sunshine in someone’s world.

Piell Fire

A Plagueis on both your houses!

Lothal Weapon

Chewbacca was locked out of his house because he lost his woo-key.

Kylo Ren buys all his clothes from the maul.

Maul’s fair in love and war

 If Vader worked in a restaurant, he’d be a Darth Waiter.

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