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Foot puns in 2025

Why did the two podiatrists hate each other?
– Because they were arch enemies!

Does your shoe have a hole in it?
– The answer from your audience will hopefully be no, to which you can reply “Well how did you put your foot in it then?”

Why couldn’t the Colorado mountain hikers cross the footbridge?
– Because it had fallen arches!

My baby dropped some of her food on her foot,
– I guess she really wanted to try the avocado toes that everyone goes on about.

The sole reason I fell in love with my husband is
– because he is a podiatrist.

Did you hear who they cast in the new movie, “Shoe-manji?”
– Dwanye “The Sock” Johnson!

Man. I know my wife is athletic and seems pretty quick on her feet…
– but why do all my friends keep calling her a cheetah?
– She ain’t that fast.

What is a foot’s least favourite vegetable?
– Bunions!

Why did the opera singer only sing songs about feet?
– She was an all-toe singer!

Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?
– Because they lactose.

Why Cant You Nose Be Twelve Inches
– Because Then it Would Be A Foot

What happens if you put your left shoe on the wrong foot?
-Well, it’s actually on the right foot!

People are always telling me to stop acting like a flamingo,
– so I had to really put my foot down.

What is a podiatrist’s favourite dessert?
– Tirami-shoe!

I am getting more confident with my running,
– I’ve really found my feet.

You know what they say about big feet, right?
– Dad was a clown

What lies on the floor 100 feet in the air?
– A dead centipede.

I met the perfect partner,
– but sadly they had no feet so I had to break up with them: you see, I am lack toes intolerant.

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