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Head Puns in 2024

What do they play at a party when everyone’s sleepy? Talking Heads.

I was going to slap you because your head was in the clouds
But I mist

Your head is so big that the rest of your body will never get a tan.

Why did the bicycle fall over? IT WAS TWO TIRED!


My friend always sleeps with his head on a bag of rice He said it was a type of pilau.

Why was big head Gary banned from the concert? His head was so big he was blocking the sky view boxes.

You don’t have a forehead, you have more like a 6 or 7 head.

My friend always sleeps with his head on a bag of rice He said it was a type of pilau.

Why is Yoda so good are gardening? HE HAS A GREEN THUMB!

Why won’t Han Solo eat certain meat? IT’S CHEWIE!

Saw my dad outside with a tv antenna on his head When I asked him why, he said he was trying to get more in tune with nature.

Roby’s father said, “Go be the headliner of your life.” So he went ahead and became a rockstar.

Your head is so big, you could paint a target on the back of it and giants could use it as a dartboard.

Saw my dad outside with a tv antenna on his head When I asked him why, he said he was trying to get more in tune with nature.

I gave my old batteries away… free of charge!

I had some chocolate cake the other day, and it was as rich as Donald Trump!

Midwife (handing me the baby): “Make sure you’re supporting his head.” Me: “That’s a great head you have there, Well done!”

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