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Lion puns in 2025

How do you stop an angry lion from charging?
– Take away his credit cards.

What animals make a square?
– Four lions.

How do you take a lion’s temperature?
– Very, very carefully.


The strongest creation created by God is not the lion, elephant or tiger – it is the woman ~ Un

What do you get when you cross Simba with the Little Mermaid?
– A sea lion.

Why did the lion lose at poker?
– He was playing with a cheetah!

What do lions wear to bed?
– Paw-jamas.

You’re my mane man dude…

How does a lion stop a video?
– By pressing paws.

What’s the difference between a tiger and a lion?
– A tiger is missing the mane part.

Where does a lion sleep?
– Anywhere it wants to! Are you gonna stop it?!

To get to the other pride.

Fairy tails – What little lions love to hear before they go to bed.

What is the lion’s favorite cheese?
– Roarquefort.

What street does the big cat live on?
– Mane St.

On which days do lions eat the most?
– Chewsdays.


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