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Lemon puns in 2024

The lemon is feeling said she just lost her zest.

What should you do when you meet an injured lemon?
– Give it lemon aid.

We wish you the zest birthday!

The lemon answers the phone by saying “yellow!”

What do you call a dancing pie?
– Lemon Merengue.

When you bump into a lemon it says “sour you doing?”

Which type of lemon often to social works?
– Lemon Aid

Which type of citrus fruit is green and bitter?
– Lemon in a green jumper.

I went to the supermarket to buy lemons but they didn’t have any. It was a fruitless trip!

The lemon meringue was a bit sad because she lost her zest for life.

A lemon uses pickup limes to get a date.

The lemon is feeling so stressed and sad because she just lost her zest forever.

The lemon visited the doctor because it was not peeling well.

Take a walk on the wild seed!

One lemon said to the other lemon, “we are zest friends forever!”

After the lemon sleeps with a hooker, it suffers from lemon AIDS.

Why does the lemon stop when it is crossing the street?
– Because it runs out of juice.

The baseball keeps its lemonade in the pitcher.

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