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Funny puns in 2024

What do you call a dad who falls through the ice?
-A popsicle!

 I saw an ad that said “television for sale, $1, volume stuck on full” and I thought to myself, I can’t turn that down.

How do you close a letter under the sea?
– With a seal!

Why is Peter Pan always flying?
-He neverlands.

A lumberjack went to turn his chainsaw on but it wooden start.

For Sale: Replica Fisherman’s Knife
– Not made to scale

I love you, dad.
– From my head tomatoes.

My friend is addicted to watching other people eat a gingerbread house.
Doctors are calling it munch housing by proxy.

Why is the sand so quiet?
– Because the waves keeping going “Ssshhhhhhh!”

If a crab is a worker of a pizza parlor, which station would the crab work?
– The crust station.

When our journey was cancelled, all our plans went down the train.

Mom said she’d throw her son from a cliff if he didn’t eat his vegetables …
-… but it was a bluff!

What’s a cat’s favorite button on the TV remote?
– Paws.

What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
– Nacho cheese!

What did the minecraft villager say before he died?
– hmm

The one day of the week that eggs are definitely afraid of is Fry-day.

 The egg did not play on the computer too much because his mother said his brain would be fried.

The sun flower said to the bicycle, come on petal.

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