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Alpaca puns in 2025

I only sing alpaca-pella.

What do you call the alpaca which sits on the judge’s bench at a court?
– A sury.

Why did the alpaca refuse to do the job?
– Because it was against his wool.

That alpaca is an expert in his field.

When it sprouts its wings you will know what it means to fear

What did the male alpaca order at the movie theatre?
– Machos.

What do you call an alpaca that possesses supreme power?
– Roy-alpaca.

What will you do if you have to go outside while it’s raining?
– ‘Alpaca raincoat.’

The alpaca’s are disappearing… could it be the alpaca-lypse?

Forget fairy lights, I’ve got my llama lamp!

How did the two alpacas share the profit among themselves?
– They split it 50-50 among themselves.

What play did the alpacas version of Shakespear write?
– All’s Wool That Ends Wool.

You don’t have to stay awake when it’s pasture bedtime.

Wooo winterbreak
– Alpaca celebration picture

Where did the alpaca go for his honeymoon?
– To Mis-Suri.

What does an alpaca say when you ask him how he is?
– He says, “Jolly wool.”

Alpacas live to tell the tails.

When alpacas get scared, they fleece!

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