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Alpaca puns in 2025

What will you do if you have to go outside while it’s raining?
– ‘Alpaca raincoat.’

The alpaca’s are disappearing… could it be the alpaca-lypse?

Forget fairy lights, I’ve got my llama lamp!

How did the two alpacas share the profit among themselves?
– They split it 50-50 among themselves.

What play did the alpacas version of Shakespear write?
– All’s Wool That Ends Wool.

You don’t have to stay awake when it’s pasture bedtime.

Wooo winterbreak
– Alpaca celebration picture

Where did the alpaca go for his honeymoon?
– To Mis-Suri.

What does an alpaca say when you ask him how he is?
– He says, “Jolly wool.”

Alpacas live to tell the tails.

When alpacas get scared, they fleece!

What would you call a masculine person who has a pet alpaca?
– A macho man.

What fruit do alpacas love the most?
– Abacas.

Why did the alpaca want to go to sleep?
– He just wanted to hit the hay

I’m not sure that’s the best idea, seems like you’ve had an alpaca-lapse in judgement!

At the end of a llama yoga class, they say ‘llama-ste’.

What problem do you find in an alpaca?
– Spit ends.

You are going to feed that alpaca for the first time?
– That is great. I hope it goes wool.

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