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Alpaca puns in 2025

Where did the newlywed alpaca couple go for the honeymoon?
– To missuri.

I’m having a movie night with my alpaca, but he always wants to watch ‘Alpaca-lypse Now’!

Where does the alpaca enjoy a boat ride?
– In the can-alpaca.

How did the alpaca spend quality time with his partner?
– They cud-dled.

I am sad to leave the alpaca alone again. Spending time with him was fun wool it lasted.

Wool you alpacas please behave?

Where does an alpaca go to have Italian food?
– To the pizze-cria.

What did the alpaca say while breaking up with his partner?
– He said, “It was good wool it lasted.”

How long can I spend time with that alpaca?
– Only for a hoof an hour.

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