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Alpaca puns in 2025

Which month is one of the most favorite months of alpacas?
– Dechembra.

What did the alpaca say to his brother on the first day of school?
– “Al-pac-as a lunch”

You’re going to be late to the alpaca farm?
– No prob-llama.

What did the teacher of the young alpaca advise him?
– She asked him ti im-peru-v his writing skills.

That alpaca is one of the perufessionals around here that helps everyone in the city.

I think it might rain later, don’t forget your al-mac-a!

What is the family of the king of the alpacas called? The roy-alpaca family.

What does the alpaca say before going to bed?

The alpaca area was so quiet that you could have herd a pin drop.

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