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Anatomy puns in 2025

Where do you learn about bones?
– Osteoclasst.

The neurons said to the spinal cord, “I think I have the potential. You should call me in”.

A small boy got injured and hurt his ligament, the parents called 911, they advised to tendon’t the injury and take him to the doctor immediately.

AL – HUMAN is actually the white portion of the egg

That is actually your BODY table and you must actually go to BODY

Where do you imprison a naughty skeleton?
– A rib cage.

The swimmer suffered a stroke. They said it’s one of the most common issues among swimmers.

A guy got cardiac arrested. He was accused of stealing someone’s heart.

Do you actually know John Henry HUMAN

He is actually such a BODY Bastard

Why did the surgeon put make-up on his brain?
– To make up his mind!

Scientists have discovered that the eyes are the last organ to die because the pupils die-late.

I got a second-hand human anatomy book, and it doesn’t have additional pages. The appendix was removed.

In the past the very practice of POLYG – ANATOMY was actually too very prominent

HUMAN is actually one the most beautiful city of Italy

What do you call it when a skeleton is having a great time?
– An osteoblast.

“I love your guts”, said the gastroenterologist to her husband when he forgot their anniversary again.

“Don’t stress out so much. I know you can hand-le the pressure”, the mother calmed down her daughter, who had an appendage exam approaching.

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