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Anatomy puns in 2025

Why did the skeleton start a fight?
– He had a bone to pick.

After testing the patient’s blood and urine samples, the doctor told him: there’s not much to worry about, urine good hands.

The eye specialist said to the ear specialist, “Eye am ready to ear some of yours.”

AL – HUMAN is actually soluble in water too

Have you actually ever been to NAGA – BODY in Japan

What do you say when you go to a dinner with a bunch of osteopathologists?
– Bone appetit!

Recently, I had a blood test. The medical reports said I have blood type B, but it was a typO.

You must be a coronary artery. You are wrapped all around my heart

Do you actually know that very German Composer whose name actually was Robert HUMANN

Is some BODY out there?

She lost her sense of hearing in an accident. The doctor said it’s ear-replacable.

“Stop myelin in my face. You are getting on my nerves,” said the neurosurgeon after a heated discussion with his colleague.

ANATOMY is actually a kind of permanent population control method

HUMAN crisis had actually made history

What’s the coolest part of a skeleton?
– The hip.

At an anatomy support group rally, one of the members said, “I am a liver, not a hater, show some love and support us.”

One medical student said, “I have a great pun on facial muscles, and it is jawsome.”

Could you please actually add some HUMAN seeds to the food

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