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Animal puns in 2024

They porpoisefully moved toward me.

If your dog eats only garlic, then his bark will be worse than his bite.

There are only a few ants that are larger than an elephant.
-This is because they are a couple of gi-ants.

A cow was toppled by a tornado.
– From that day onwards, the owner of the cow would only get milkshakes.

The favorite color of cats is not red but purrrrrrr-ple.

Two female cats usually fight with each other by saying, “You’re a cheetah.
-I’m not lion”.

Fishes are the most health-conscious animals.
-They have an inbuilt set of scales to keep a good watch of their weight.

 I took my cat to the vet because she wasn’t feline fine.

 An utterly confused moose usually exclaims by saying, “I have absolutely no i-deer”.

The best savory food to serve a dog who is running a temperature is mustard.
-Mustard goes really well with hot dogs.

Oh will you stop spouting your nonsense please.

An absolute favorite city for all dogs is New Yorkie.

The little bear turned out to be very spoiled and lazy as his mother always panda’d to his every need.

Mollusks are pretty shellfish as they never do anything for charity.

You get a rocker spaniel when you cross a dog and a hammock.

Spiders are very tech-savvy animals.
-They communicate with each other using the World Wide Web.

 Fishes tend to remain healthy a lot as they stay in an abundance of vitamin sea.

Cows have hooves on their feet as they lactose.

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