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Apple puns in 2024

I apple-laud your great work

When the apple tried to understand what the apple juices were laughing about, he wasn’t allowed. It was apparently an in-cider joke.

She is the apple of my eye.

The secret of my beauty is red apple.

“I’m only picking the apples that are red-ily available.”

Who’s an apple’s favorite relative? Granny

When the apple was trying to eat, his friend started burping. Overall, the dinner experience was una-peel-ing.

If you don’t like fall, you can leaf me alone with my apple cider.

“My core values are: be kind, caring, curious, and hungry for more apples.”

Cameo apples are apples that only make brief appearances.

An apple was given two options that he could either be juice or pie. He chose to become juice. He was the de-cider of his fate.

The dentist loves apple pies because they have a lot of fillings.

Some people are like caterpillars to some one else’s apple trees.

“Forever the apple of my pie.”

You’re awesome to the core

My friend was looking for a job in the fruit industry so I suggested her to appley for a job at the fruit store.

How do you like them apples?

Every apple has an individual taste.

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