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Avocado puns in 2025

Two avocados got into a fight. It was a guacamelee.

You guac my world

I’ve hit guac bottom

Avocado Puns That Are Pit-ifully Bad

If scientists experimented with an avocado and a
crocodile, they’d get a guac’o dile.

To make an avocado disappear, say “Avocadabra!”

The sad avocado felt really pit-iful.

Well that’s guacward.

I avocadon’t care

When I was asked if I preferred burritos or tacos,
I didn’t know how to answer. I was stuck between a guac and a hard place.

 Mrs Avocado had enough of Mr Avocado,
she said “The time hass come for me to move on.

Kiss my hass!

Avocadon’t you dare.

Did you avo good time?

The number of units in one guacaMOLE of any
substance: “Avocadro’s Number.”

There was an avocado who had feet; he was
nothing but an avaca-toe.

Don’t guac the boat

Things are allripe for now

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