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Baby puns in 2025

When potatoes have babies, what are they called?
– Tater tots.

What do you do with a fussy baby girl?
– You pacify her!

How did it work out for the lady who had a sea section?
– She gave birth to a bouncing baby buoy.

A cow’s newborn is usually called a moo-born.

Why was the baby strawberry crying?
– Because his mom and dad were in a jam.

My partner is so negative… I remembered the car seat, the stroller, AND the diaper bag…
– But all she can talk about is how I forgot the baby.

My husband got me a small lizard when I asked him to get me a baby monitor.

Babies usually know it is time to be born when they run out of womb.

What do you call a cow that had a baby?
– De-calf-inated.

What did the doctor say when the pregnant woman gave birth to a frozen pizza?
– “It’s not delivery; it’s DiGiorno!”

What do baby pythons play with?
– Rattlesnakes.

A friend asked me if she should have a baby after 40.
– I said no, 40 babies are enough.

The lady who got a sea-section gave birth to a healthy baby buoy.

What do you call a new baby monkey?
– A chimp off the old block.

“I don’t always drink milk. But when I do, I prefer Dos Tetas.”
— The Most Interesting Baby in the World

How can you tell an adult snake from a baby snake?
– The baby snake has a rattle!

A baby born in a high-tech hospital usually comes out cordless.

I think the hospital accidentally switched our babies at birth…
– They’re identical twins, so it’s hard to be sure.

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