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Baby puns in 2025

How did the baby know she was ready to be born?
– She was running out of womb.

What do you give a pig with a diaper rash?
– Oinkment.

The nurse told the parents of a newborn, “You have a cute baby.”
– The smiling husband said, “I bet you say that to all the new parents.”
– “No,” she replied. “Just to those whose babies really are good-looking.”
– The husband asked, “So, what do you say to the others?”
– The nurse replied, “The baby looks just like you.”

How did Batman decorate baby Robin’s crib?
– With a bat mobile.

The cat was turned in to the police after she gave birth because littering is a crime.

Do I have to have a baby shower?
– Not if you change the baby’s diaper quickly.

What is a baby bee?
– A little humbug.

The baby refused to want to get born. He did not want to give up his womb and board.

Jake: “My mom is having a new baby.”
– Joy: “What’s wrong with the old one?”

What do you call a group of baby garbage bins?
– A litter.

Why did the baby crawl across the street?
– He saw the one object you told him he couldn’t play with.

A mother’s milk is the newborn’s breast friend

Why did the man bring his pregnant wife a small lizard?
– She told him to pick up a baby monitor.

The firefighter’s wife told her husband after giving birth to a cute baby boy:
– “Honey, it’s arson.”

Why was the baby drop of ink crying?
– His mom was in the pen, and he didn’t know how long her sentence was.

My baby just ate a bunch of scrabble tiles.
– The next diaper change could spell disaster.

An adult snake is different from a baby snake because a baby snake has a rattle.

A baby goat should always be treated like a kid.

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