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Bagel puns in 2025

Where does a bagel go to get tanned and hot?
– To a toaster.

What do you call a bagel with wings?
– A plane bagel.

The one thing that a greedy person has in common with a bagel is that they both want everything.

No one likes visiting a bagel shop. It is a very crumby place to work there!

What Bagel can fly?
– A “plane” Bagel.

The camper ate what kind of bagel?
– A winnebago.

Excuse me, why are there only donuts, bagels, and swiss cheese at this store?
– Sir this is a Hole Foods.

What kind of bagel can fly?
– A plain bagel

What food did the husband seagull lovingly gift his wife?
– Bae-gel.

When his friend was hit by a bus as he crossed the street, what did the bagel say?
– Oh, Crumbs!

My bagel friend was really sad after his break up, he kept saying he felt like he had a hole in his heart.

What kind of bagel can fly?
– A plane bagel

Man A: I found a bandaid in my breakfast!
Man B: You ordered everything bagel, right?

Analogies are like bagels on a trampoline…
– They don’t always work.

What do you call a female bagel?
– A baguette

What is an airline pilots favorite type of bagel?
– Plain.

What did the bagel say when his friend was hit by a bus while crossing the road?
– Oh, Crumbs!

What is a Jamaican bagel called?
– Cinnamon.

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