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Banana puns in 2025

And, Principal called plantain to his office. He was busy into
bananas during lectures.

Why did the banana go out with the prune?
Because he couldn’t find a date.

Woohoo! This cover creates some peel inside me.

You’re ripe; I should go for it.

My wife yellow over little things daily. 

Why didn’t the banana cross the road?
Because he was yellow.

I’m ap-peeling to your better judgement.

The answer of the question is  Cavendish in the first chapter.

Banana Republic is the cloth store for bananas.

Get ready! We’re going to the Banana.

Bananas couldn’t yell up as it could only be YELLOW.

Why do bananas never get lonely?
Because they hang out in bunches.

After hearing your joke, I’m peeling better now.

To raise the voice, ripe first. 

Even, I’m ripe, she still, yellow over my driving skills.

Beethoven’s favorite fruit is 

I’m planning to make my mind fresh with Cavendish.

Jokes bananas do exchange with each other are Side-splitting ones.

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