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Baseball puns in 2024

That’s all for me. I need some relief if this thread is to be saved.

Plus, his speeches haven’t changed.
– He’s on the campaign trail today, and made a short stop to deliver a speech. Same pitch as usual.

I’m an umpire.
– Now, give me your number so I can make the call.

A baseball player swallowed his gum because he choked up.

If you sing while playing baseball, you won’t get a good pitch.

Baseball on a foggy day is all about hit and mist.

Can you tame my diamondback?
– Everybody else has

Are you in the on-deck circle, or is that halo?

They replaced the baseball with an orange to add zest to the game.

When all my electrical engineering friends at the baseball game did the wave,
– it was almost like having a phased-hooray.

Which animal is best at hitting a baseball?
– The bat.

She played baseball and so did he.
– They hit it off.

A dog who played baseball always got walked.

I’d lay down a sacrifice for you.

Play in my extra innings, I guarantee I’m a long reliever

Which takes longer to run: from first to second base or from second to third base?…
– From second to third base, because there is a shortstop in the middle

The best way to make a baseball bat is to carve it by hand.
– Using a machine is just lathe-y.

Why are baseball games at night?…
– Because bats sleep during the day!

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