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Baseball puns in 2025

Glad to see you’re finally running short.

I think this thread represents the big inning of a new ERA in punnery.

Your pitch must have hit me because I’m feeling a little faint!

What do you get when you cross a baseball player with a monster?…
– a doubleheader!

I had a good streak going there.

Your pitch must have hit me because I’m feeling a little faint.

Are you in the outfield?
– Because you’re an angel.

Were you eating dinner at Arby?
– I like that place.

What would you get if you crossed a pitcher and the Invisible Man?…
– Pitching like no one has ever seen.

She was a baseball player’s wife and had a ballpark figure.

Baseball on a foggy day is all about hit and mist.

Still no response from Paul. I guess this is my own little pun umpire, and I’m the king.

Roz also said she’d contribute.
– Is Roz in?

Do you know what cupcakes & a baseball team have in common?…
– They both count on the batter!

They call me the Arizona D’Backs because I always play ball games late into the night

They replaced the baseball with an orange to add zest to the game.

Why is a baseball umpire like an angry chicken? :
– They both have fowl mouths.

What’s the difference between a Yankee Stadium hotdog, and a Fenway Park hotdog?…
– You can buy a Fenway Frank hotdog in October!

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