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Bat puns in 2025

Where do vampires take a shower?
– In the bat room.

What’s a bats favorite desert?
– I-Scream!

What is a bat’s favourite pudding?
– Upside down cake.

There is no friendship greater than that of bats. They always hang around together.

What animal is best at hitting a baseball?
– A bat.

Where do bats get their education?
– In night schools.

How do bats know what’s to come in their future?
– They read their horror-scope.

Why do the witches never win a game of baseball?
– Because their bats always fly away.

All the little witches loved playing bats cradle at school.

What did one bat say to another?
– Let’s hang around together.

– A bat-mare.

What do bats say to vampires they hate?
– “You suck!”

Have you ever discovered that all vampire bats have false teeth?
– The reason is, they come out at night.

Robin got kicked off the baseball team
– because he forgot his bat, man!

How does Dracula keep fit?
– Batminton.

How do you write a book about bats?
– With a ghostwriter.

How do bats manage to fly without bumping into each other?
– They use their wing mirrors.

A vampire bat enters his house through the bat flap.

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