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Bat puns in 2025

What is the only thing smarter than a talking bat?
– A spelling bee.

What happens if you cross a bat and a ball?
– You get a home run.

Casketball has been listed as one of the sports registering huge populations of bats.

How do vampires carry their books to school?
– In their bat pack..

What do you get when you cross a bat with a doorbell?
– A ding-bat.

Why don’t vampires use the front door?
– Because they use the bat flap instead.

There are many ways of holding a bat, but the best is by the handle.

A bat can easily make new friends with a sound wave.

How do bats fly without bumping into anything?
– They use their wing mirrors.

What happened when the bat swallowed the alarm-clock?
– She turned into a ding-bat.

How did the vampire carry her books to school?
– She put them in her bat-pack.

What does a vampire bat call his best friends?
– His blood brothers.

When baking cakes, vampires use batter.

What’s the best way to hold a bat?
– By the handle.

What fruit do vampire bats like the best?
– Neck-tarines.

What do bats have in common with dentures?
– They both come out in the night.

Why did the sportsmen play the baseball game at night?
– Because bats sleep during the day.

When the geeky bat cracked the code, everyone couldn’t help but congratulate them for being such bloody brilliant.

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