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BBQ puns in 2025

Girl, you are a real natural gas. I love the way you are really hot, especially once I turn you on and how things get cooking once I put my meat inside you.

You’re a real wiener

Leprechauns love to barbeque short ribs.

The best beers are the ones we drink with friends.

What do you say about someone who likes being burned while they BBQ.
They are propane.

Hey girl, allow me crack my eggs in your hot sizzling grill.

Let me be Frank

Bring on the beef!

Eating is a necessity, but BBQ is an art.

What is the best way to cook alligator meat? With a croc pot!

You should never bbq on your roof because the steaks are always too high.

I was shocked to see skeletons at the barbeque party only to be told they went to get another rib.

You don’t win hearts with salad

When two vegetarians bumped into each other at a bbq, I heard one shout to the other saying “We must stop meating like this.”

Everything tastes better with grill marks. Hanging out with my grill buddies.

What is a pig’s favorite dinosaur movie? Jurassic Pork.

I hate going to a vegan bbq because of the screaming.

Barbecuing is cheap, accessible, and delicious

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