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Bean puns in 2024

Corn puns are plant-tastic.

She was so determined that she would take whatever beans necessary to get her cup of coffee each day.

What did Hamlet say?
– To bean or not to bean, that is the question.

What happens to coffee beans when they have a similar experience?
– Having a deja brew.

You’re my soymate.

When the green bean took me out for a few drinks, he chose the salad bar over all the pubs on the street.

After 5 years of leaving far away from the family, the bean only has one thing to ask everyone: “How have you bean?”

What did the cup say to the coffee?
– Where have you bean all my life?

Spill the beans.

I will seed you later.

When we got to the end of the rough road, he looked at me and said, “I think we are lost. I have never bean this way before.”

I’m happier than I’ve ever bean!

What did the bean say to its friend who returned from a holiday?
– You’ve bean gone! How have you bean?

Un-bean-ownst to us, she bought a present for her friend.

Someone has been adding soil to my garden. The plot thickens.

The java bean was worried because apparently it had a latte problem at home.

I carried these legumes from the other side of the world.
You can say that me and this pack have bean around the world!

What did the bean of coffee say to its wife?
– You are brew-ti-ful.

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