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Bean puns in 2025

What do you call a bean that was previously famous?
– A “has bean”.

Beans have always bean my favorite.

I wet my plants.

When the two beans met on the street, one of them asked the other, “how’ve ya bean?”

The religious bean is observing lent-il.

What do you call executive peas?
– VI-Peas.

Soy what you want, tofu puns are the best.

Most bean varieties grow in gardens except jelly beans.

Beans love William Shakespeare, especially the tragedy Hamlet with the famous phrase: “To bean, or not to bean”

Did you like the movie, Pirates of the Carib-bean?

You are a great human bean.

A bean stalked his friend’s crush on social media to get some information.

Since the year begun, I have bean thinking on different ways of improving my communication skills.

You are my favorite human bean.

What’s an alternate ending to the famous fairy tale?
– Jack and the beans talk.

You bean the world to me.

Plant a kiss on me.

When the question and answer session began, the bean on the right was too baked to respond.

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