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Bean puns in 2025

Ah, you like Star Trek?
– Well, bean me up, Scotty!

Man, I got the cof-feels.

How you bean?

The bean was so upset with how the pot behaved especially the way it made him filter.

Why do peas dislike noisy eaters?
– Because they want peas and quiet.

You’re steaming hot!

You’re soy awesome.

Rarely do you come across kind people.
Therefore, when you see a generous human bean, make them a friend for life.

Suffice to say I’m just looking for the beaning of life.

What did the bean of coffee say to its wife?
– You are brew-ti-ful.

Happ-bean-ness is enough for me.

Sweet victory~

The favorite bean for a zombie is a human bean.

What do you call some beans that’s been out in the sun?
– Baked beans.

What do you call some beans that’s been out in the sun?
– Baked beans.

The little bean caught a high fava. (fever)

What do you get when you eat beans and onions?
– Tear gas

It took the bean so long to finish its homework
– because it has a habit of procaffenating.

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