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Bear puns in 2025

Special Bear Service

We’ll have to walk bearfoot

 The little bear was always talking about his favorite after school club, it was the Cub Scouts.

Bear’s no such thing as a free lunch (Tanstaafl)

The axle needs new bearings

I hope you pre-beared for this beating.

Though this be madness, yet Bear is method in it

Ripe yellow goosebearies.

I’ve lost my bearings and I don’t know where the NPC is.

United States Bear Force

A bearfaced lie

The bear only has Coca-Koala when he is thirsty.

For every thing Bear is a season

This is an ancient bearial site

Well this looks grizzly for you…

Neither here nor Bear

Mmm, these bearies are so sweet!

I forgot to use the NPC mount and I’m so embearassed.

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