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Bee puns in 2025

What’s the one thing bees never forget to bring to the beach?
– Fris-bees.

That bee certainly deserved the promotion at work, he was always so buzzy on the job.

A Queen Bee will only eat hum-burgers at Burger King.

What do bees like with their sushi?
– Wasa-bee!

The bee bank robber told the tellers, “Your honey or your life.”.

Wasp are you talking about?

What did the businesswoman say?
– “We’re in bees-ness now!”

That ostentatious wasp is simply a snob-bee.

What did the teacher say to the bad bee?
-Bee-hive yourself

Well I’ll bee!

They asked the beekeeper to move his business out of town because he was creating quite a buzz around town.

Say, these bee puns aren’t too shab-bee.

The only one who can protect the Queen Bee is her hub-bee.

The bee desired to use the smartphone for saying hi to his honey.

You must take care of bees because you’re definitely a keeper.

What do you call a bee having a bad hair day?
– A frizz-bee.

While consuming their sushi, a bee likes to have Wasa-bee!

What’s black and yellow and flies at 30,000 feet?
-A bee on an airplane.

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