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Beer puns in 2025

Drink ’till she’s cute, but stop before the wedding.

Raising children takes a village, preferably one with many vineyards.

Sick of beer? That’s like being sick of breathing.

Alcohol is never the answer. But it’s a good way of forgetting the question.

Alcohol is a perfect solvent: It dissolves marriages,
families and careers.

I like my water with barley and hops.

Beergasm: that moment when you take the first sip of beer at the end of your work day

When The Hulk goes off into a vicious rage and destroys
everything, he’s “Incredible.” But when I do it, I’m “an alcoholic.

Thank you, Craft Beer Breweries, for making my drinking problem seem like a neat hobby

I poured root beer into a squared glass. Now I just have beer.

I only drink on days beginning with “T”. Tuesday, Thursday, today and tomorrow.

I don’t need therapy. I just need to drink a beer (or three).

I ran twice today. First I ran out of beer, and then I ran to get some more.

You won’t drink away the alcoholism

Beer… Because you can’t drink bacon!

This weekend, I’ve decided to do a juice cleanse. And by juice, I mean beer.”

Had too much wine last night. Have no idea how I got home from the sofa.

Yeah, I’m into fitness… fit’ness whole beer in my belly.

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