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Beer puns in 2025

I don’t need therapy. I just need to drink a beer (or three).

I ran twice today. First I ran out of beer, and then I ran to get some more.

You won’t drink away the alcoholism

Beer… Because you can’t drink bacon!

This weekend, I’ve decided to do a juice cleanse. And by juice, I mean beer.”

Had too much wine last night. Have no idea how I got home from the sofa.

Yeah, I’m into fitness… fit’ness whole beer in my belly.

According to chemistry alcohol is a solution.

How do you get 30 drunk Canadians out of the pool? “Please get out of the pool.”

“You know what rhymes with Friday? Beer.

I don’t always drink beer. Just kidding, of course I do.

All the problems fade before a hangover

Do I want beer? a) yes b) a c) b

I don’t always drink, but when I do, You can call me Beercules.”

Your finest Scotch, please.” “Yes, sir,” the guy at Staples says as he hands me a 12 year old roll of tape.

Abs are cool and all but… Have you tried a craft beer?”

Love is ale we need.

Why does the alcoholic Avon lady walk funny? Because her lips stick.

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