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Berry puns in 2025

What’s a scarecrows favourite fruit?
– A straw-berry.

Why are Blackberries never lonely?
– Because they hang around in bunches.

What is blue and goes up and down?
– A blueberry in an elevator!

The strawberry killed the cherry right before my berry eyes.

I don’t work on Sundaes…

What looks like half a berry?
– The other half.

A lorry load of strawberries has crashed on the motorway, and it’s caused a huge jam.

His singing was un-berry-ble (unbearable).

I blueberry much love you.

The kiwi called his berry cute valentine and said, “I love you from my head tomato!”

I jam what I jam…

What resembles half a strawberry?
– The other half.

What do you call a sad strawberry?
– A blueberry.

The berries got married, and they lived happily avo-after.

Goose-berry – Berries that grow in gaggles with feathers and beaks!

Superfoods – Superhero foods

What do you call a berry patch on a windy day?
– Blewberries

Where did my berries go?
– The strobbery took them.

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